A Heart of Thanks at Thanksgiving

I know we don’t acknowledge the existence of Thanksgiving Day, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November–this year, its November 26th. Afterall, it’s an “angmoh” thing. But did you know the First Thanksgiving in 1621, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, was celebrated to give thanks to our Lord for helping the pilgrims survive their first brutal winter in the New World?

Thanksgiving in North America is the equivalent of our Chinese New Year. Ok, its CNY without the moolah. Its all about food, family and close friends, eating all afternoon into the cold wintry evening, lots of warmth and laughter. More important, it’s a time to consciously count one’s blessings, and thank God for all He has given us.

These are some  things I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving: Dad, Mum and sis June. They are the pillars in my life. My Godly Godparents, a constant source of Godly advice, love and encouragement. My dear aunts, uncles, and cousins, who have a special place in my heart. My friends, near and far, whom without Facebook and email, would be much further away, and my students, who bless me in countless ways.

For 2009, I am most thankful to the Lord for finding me and my family a home church in New Life Christian Church through Bro Chris Chuah and a friend who is forever a teen. Eversince I left New Creation Church three years ago, I have prayed hard about finding another church that I can make my spiritual home.

Do share your comments on what you are most thankful for below.

Note for Foodies: The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Indians. The feast consisted of fowl, venison, fish, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, and squash. However, the traditional Thanksgiving menu today often features turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and pumpkin/pecan pie. The sweeter the better, it seems. All these go well with apple cider.

One response to “A Heart of Thanks at Thanksgiving

  1. I am the most thankful to the Lord, Jesus ♥

    There’s been big changes in my life this year & I am in awe at how our Awesome God has placed us at certain circumstances / places so as to have His way for us, just as how He has intended for us. I am just so happy to be ‘back in His arms’ again & feeling this amazing abundance which He has bestowed upon me, to be able to shape myself in His Goodness.
    Jesus is the ultimate blessing which I have!

    I am also very grateful to my lovely Godfamily in Singapore, and being able to strengthen my faith through Bro Josh & Sis June’s sharing & encouragement.
    Your words of courage mean so much to me, and still do!

    *A special thank you to my wonderful little aunt, Fin, whom constantly guides me & influences me in so many aspects of life~ living with you is a Bliss! And thanks for the lovely purple rose I got from you today!*

    Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

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